IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (IEEE SmartGridComm 2020)
Keynote Talks
Session Opening-remarks-1
Opening Remarks
2:00 PM
2:10 PM UTC
Nov 11 Wed, 9:00 AM
9:10 AM EST
Session Chair
Lalitha Sankar (ASU) & Rakesh Bobba (Oregon State Univ.) <br> Zoom Room Host(s): Raksha Ramakrishna (KTH), Arka Sanka (UT Austin)
Session Keynote-1
Keynote 1
2:10 PM
3:00 PM UTC
Nov 11 Wed, 9:10 AM
10:00 AM EST
High-Fidelity and High-Resolution Monitoring of Smart Grids
Lang Tong (Cornell)
We consider the problem of monitoring of power systems that exhibit a high degree of stochasticity but have limited direct measurements. Examples of such systems include distribution grids that have substantial inverter-based resources with limited PMU and SCADA deployment. To achieve high-fidelity and high-resolution monitoring, we bring to bear key concepts in statistical signal processing, communications, and modern machine learning tools. In particular, we discuss how Bayesian inference and deep learning can be used to overcome system unobservability for state estimation, how property test coupled with innovation convolution neural network can be used to detect bad and malicious data, and how subband coding methods can be applied to achieve ultra-high data rate point-on-waveform measurements.
Session Chair
Lalitha Sankar (ASU) <br> Zoom Room Host(s): Raksha Ramakrishna (KTH), Arka Sanka (UT Austin)
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